Medarbetare: | Nobel, Peter |
Utgivare: | Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet |
År: | 1983 |
Språk: | fre |
Ämnesord: | Conference papers, International law, Development aid, Refugees, Migration, Non-governmental organizations, Organization of African unity, Political science, Statsvetenskap |
Identifikator: | urn:isbn:91-7106-221-1 |
Rättigheter: | info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess |
Réunion du Secrétariat de l'OUA et des agences bénévoles sur les réfugiés : Arusha, mars 1983
The recommendations from the Arusha conference on the African refugee problem : Recommandations de la conférence d'Arusha sur le problème des réfugiés en Afrique
Medarbetare: | Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, |
Utgivare: | Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet |
År: | 1981 |
Ämnesord: | Africa, Arusha, Tanzania, East Africa, Conference papers, Refugees, Development aid, Organization of African Unity, Political science, Statsvetenskap |
Meeting of the OAU-Secretariat and voluntary agencies on African refugees : Arusha, March 1983
Medarbetare: | Nobel, Peter |
Utgivare: | Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet |
År: | 1983 |
Ämnesord: | Arusha, Tanzania, East Africa, Refugees, Migration, Development aid, Population mobility, International law, Political science, Statsvetenskap |
International legal instruments on refugees in Africa : Instruments légaux internationaux sur les réfugiés en Afrique
Medarbetare: | Melander, Göran | Nobel, Peter |
Utgivare: | Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet |
År: | 1979 |
Ämnesord: | Africa, Refugees, Legal aspects, International law, Other law, Övrig rätt |
An analysing account of the Conference on the African refugee problem, Arusha, May 1979
Medarbetare: | Eriksson, Lars-Gunnar | Melander, Göran | Nobel, Peter |
Utgivare: | Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet |
År: | 1981 |
Ämnesord: | Arusha, Tanzania, East Africa, Africa, Refugees, Geography, International law, Political science, Statsvetenskap |

Upphovsperson: | Hatch Dupree, Nancy |
Tidskrift/källa: | Afghanistan-nytt |
År: | 2010 |
Ämnesord: | Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Afghanistan |