
Land reform

Report of the Presidential Commission of Inquiry into Land Matters. Vol. 1, Land policy and land tenure structure

Upphovsperson: Tanzania. Presidential Commission of Inquiry Into Land Matters,
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet | Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 1994
Ämnesord: Tanzania, East Africa, Official documents, Land reform, Land tenure, Government policy, Land, Legislation, Recommendations, National policy, Political science, Statsvetenskap
A report from the Land Commission in Tanzania with the commission’s recommendations on land policy and land tenure structure. It consists of five parts; in the first the existing legal position is stated and discussed, in part two recommendations on a new land tenure structure are made, in part three some of the existing statutory law on land is reviewed, and suggestions on amendment are made, part four addresses the question of gender inequality in reference to inheritance, and part five looks at “Conservation, Environment and Habitat”.