

Hanging by a thread : cotton, globalization, and poverty in Africa

Medarbetare: Moseley, William G. | Gray, Leslie
Utgivare: Athens, Ohio : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet; Ohio University Press
År: 2008
Ämnesord: poverty, cotton trade, Africa, SOCIAL SCIENCES, SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP
The textile industry was one of the first manufacturing activities to become organized globally, as mechanized production in Europe used cotton from the colonies. Africa, the least developed of the world’s major regions, is now increasingly engaged in the production of this crop for the global market, and debates about the pros and cons of this trend have intensified. This book illuminates the connectioins between Africa and the global economy. The editors offer a compelling set of linked studies that detail one aspect of the globalization process in Africa, the cotton commodity chain.

Democracy and People Power in Africa: still searching for the ‘political kingdom’

Upphovsperson: Cheru, Fantu
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Globalization, Trade and Regional Integration | Taylor and Francis
År: 2012
Ämnesord: Political science, Statsvetenskap
This article analyses current trends in the struggle for democracy in Africa, including the role of social movements. Such movements found early expression in the anti-colonial movement, while recent uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt are reminiscent of the second liberation struggles of two decades earlier. The article undertakes a critical evaluation of emerging democratic forces in Africa, arguing that such a review is vital to the analysis of the trends in the struggles for people power, and explores strategies for avoiding the pitfalls that undermined earlier waves of democratisation in the continent, particularly that of the 1990s when initial euphoria led to uncritical acceptance of movements that were later found to be opportunistic and undemocratic. The article concludes by examining the conditions under which an ‘emanicipatory’ African national democratic project—defined by an increase in people's participation in authoritative resource allocation—can be initiated and sustained in the face of a deepening crisis of the current neoliberal world order.

From Zaire to the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Upphovsperson: Nzongola-Ntalaja, Georges
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet | Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 2004
Ämnesord: DRC, Authoritarianism, Democratisation, legitimacy, politics, Political science, Statsvetenskap
This paper examines the political and social situation in the DRC since May 1997, together with the prospects for a successful political and social transition. Consistent with the deepest aspirations of the Congolese population, such a transition will succeed if it involves an irreversible development towards multiparty democracy and the full utilisation of the country’s immense resources for economic and social development. In other words, a successful transition is one in which basic freedoms and liberties will be guaranteed through democratic governance and the rule of law, with tangible improvements in living conditions.
