
Health services

Promoting adolescent sexual and reproductive health in East and Southern Africa

Medarbetare: Klepp, Knut-Inge | Flisher, Alan J. | Kaaya, Sylvia F.
Utgivare: Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet; HSRC Press
År: 2008
Ämnesord: adolescents, Reproductive health, Sexual behavior, Sex education, Health programmes, Health services, aids prevention, Social change, case studies, East africa, Southern Africa, SOCIAL SCIENCES, SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP
In Africa, as in many parts of the world, adolescent reproductive health is a controversial issue for policy makers and programme planners. Adolescents are particularly vulnerable to HIV and AIDS and to a host of other problems such as sexually transmitted infection, unwanted pregnancy, unsafe abortions, sexual abuse, female genital mutilation and unsafe circumcision. Yet many countries don't have adolescent health policies and much remains to be done to ensure that adolescents can access appropriate sexual and reproductive health services. Articulating new perspectives and strategies to promote adolescent sexual and reproductive health, the authors of this volume, comprise a network of researchers working in east and southern Africa. They make a unique attempt to bring together the social and biomedical sciences and to disseminate concrete empirical evidence from existing programmes, carefully analysing what works and what doesn't at the local level. The chapters are built on the premise that sexual and reproductive health behaviour is multifaceted and that interventions must operate on several levels - individual, organisational and governmental - and must reach young people in schools, communities, workplaces, and health-care institutions. Cognisant of recent research and the ethical difficulties facing researchers, the authors provide practical guidance for practitioners and policymakers wishing to promote adolescent sexual and reproductive health at the policy and institutional levels and in local communities.

Chinese medical cooperation in Africa : With special emphasis on the medical teams and anti-malaria campaign

Upphovsperson: Li, Anshan
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Globalization, Trade and Regional Integration | Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet ; Peking University, School of International Studies
År: 2011
Ämnesord: Health aid, Health services, International cooperation, South south relations, Africa, China, Other social sciences, Övrig samhällsvetenskap
Medical cooperation between China and Africa started in 1963 when China sent its first medical team to Algeria. With the increase in China’s power and the implementation of the “going-out” strategy, China’s policy towards Africa has become a focus of the international community, while for China, South-South cooperation has become more significant. Cooperation in the medical field is a typical element in South-South cooperation and is an important part of China’s official development assistance (ODA). It includes Chinese medical teams, the anti-malaria campaign, training African medical personnel, China-supported medications, facilities and hospitals in Africa, and Chinese medical cooperation with WHO and other international institutions in Africa. The dispatch of Chinese medical teams by the government is one of the most enduring and effective forms of cooperation in Africa. This paper studies the medical cooperation between China and Africa, with special emphasis on Chinese medical teams and anti-malaria efforts, especially after the China-Africa Summit in 2006.

Health and structural adjustment in rural and urban Zimbabwe

Upphovspersoner: Bijlmakers, Leon A. | Basset, Mary T. | Sanders, David M.
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet | Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 1996
Ämnesord: Zimbabwe, Southern Africa, Structural adjustment, Health, Health services, , SOCIAL SCIENCES, SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP
This report attempts to intervene in the discussion on the social effects of structural adjustment through an empirically-based assessment of the impact of the Economic Structural Adjustment Programme (ESAP) of the Zimbabwean state on the country's health sector. The author's conclude that ESAP has resulted in a serious degradation of the poor in Zimbabwe, and an overall decline in the health status of the working poor, which the Social Dimensions Fund has failed to mitigate.