

A democracy of chameleons : politics and culture in the New Malawi

Medarbetare: Englund, Harri
Utgivare: Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet; Christian Literature Association in Malawi
År: 2002
Ämnesord: Malawi, Civil Society, Culture, Democratisation, Human rights, politics, poverty, SOCIAL SCIENCES, SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP
After thirty years of autocratic rule under ”Life President” Kamuzu Banda, Malawians experienced a transition to multiparty democracy in 1994. A new constitution and several democratic institutions promised a new dawn in a country ravaged by poverty and injustice. This book presents original research on the economic, social, political and cultural consequences of the new era. The book engages with a culture of politics in order to expand the purview of critical analysis from the elite to the populace in its full diversity. A new generation of scholars, most of them from Malawi, cover virtually every issue causing debate in the New Malawi: poverty and hunger, the plight of civil servants, the role of the judiciary, political intolerance and hate speech, popular music as a form of protest, clergy activism, voluntary associations and ethnic revival, responses to the HIV/AIDS pandemic, and controversies over women’s rights. Both chameleon-like leaders and the donors of Malawi’s foreign aid come under critical scrutiny for supporting superficial democratization. The book ends with a rare public statement on the New Malawi by Jack Mapanje, Malawi’s internationally acclaimed writer. Dismayed at the continuation of an ”oral culture of dictatorship”, Mapanje urges Malawians to confront their past in order to have a future that is free from fear and intolerance.Anyone interested in politics and culture in sub-Saharan Africa will find this book an important source of insight and detailed analysis for a comparative understanding of Africa’s democratization.

Recession in Africa : background papers to the seminar Africa - which way out of the recession?, Uppsala, September 1982

Medarbetare: Carlsson, Jerker
Utgivare: Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 1983
Ämnesord: Malawi, Ghana, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Mocambique, Cote d'Ivoire, Economic recession, Economic theory, Conference papers, Business and economics, Ekonomi
In September 1982 a number of researcers and representatives of the Nordic development agencies as well as members of several international organizations were invited to discuss the nature and origin of the "recession" in Sub-Saharan Africa. In preparing the seminar a number of scholars were invited to write background papers. The country case studies and a paper on strategic issues are presented in this volume. By way of an introduction a presentation is given of the World Bank Report "Accelerated Development in Sub-Saharan Africa - An Agenda for Action", and of the Lagos Plan of Action, adopted by the Organization of African Unity.

Malawi efter Banda : förändringar i landet där tystnad rådde

Upphovspersoner: Grauers, Anna | Fischer, Tobias | Odén, Bertil
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet | Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 1997
Ämnesord: Malawi, Southern Africa, Political development, Economic development, Human rights, Elections, Political opposition, SOCIAL SCIENCES, SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP
Malawi är ett av de fattigaste länderna i världen, och styrdes med järnhand av Dr Hastings Banda i 30 år. Denna skrift ger en beskrivning av Malawi under Bandas styre och redovisar den ekonomiska och politiska utvecklingen sedan den nya regimen tillträdde efter flerpartivalet 1994.

Why poor children stay sick : the human ecology of child health and welfare in rural Malawi

Upphovspersoner: Lindskog, Per | Lundqvist, Jan
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet | Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 1989
Ämnesord: Malawi, Southern Africa, Water supply, Water quality, Drinking water, Rural areas, Diarrhoeal diseases, Child health, Human ecology, Human environment, Case study, SOCIAL SCIENCES, SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP
Every year four and a half million children under five die in Asia, Latin America, and Africa from diarrhoea, caused by contaminated water. This is one of many reasons why improved drinking water is high on the agenda in many developments projects and plans. But what happens when better water is supplied? What is the impact upon child health? What experiences should be taken into account in the planning and implementation of schemed for better water supply for the African households? This case study of rural area in southern Malawi tries to give some answers.

Ekodass för bättre skördar och hälsosammare miljö

Upphovsperson: Jönson-Belyazid, Ulrika
Utgivare: Afrikagrupperna
Tidskrift/källa: Södra Afrika
År: 2008
Ämnesord: Sverige, Malawi, Afrika, Hygien och sanitet, Vetenskap och forskning, Miljö och ekologi
Diskussionerna kring kiss och bajs är på flera håll i Afrika livligare än någonsin.
Anledningen? Man har insett deras värde som gödningsmedel. När utvecklingsländerna nu går i bräschen för att kretsloppsanpassa sina toaletter blir ekodassen en allt vanligare syn på den afrikanska landsbygden.