

The making of a periphery : economic development and cultural encounters in southern Tanzania

Medarbetare: Seppälä, Pekka | Koda, Bertha
Utgivare: Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 1998
Ämnesord: Tanzania, East Africa, Rural development, Political participation, Informal sector, Land tenure, Poverty, Survival strategies, Makonde, SOCIAL SCIENCES, SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP
What makes a periphery? The southeastern corner of Tanzania is officially one of the poorest corners of the world and is always presented as a peripheral area. This volume presents a lively discussion on the making of a periphery. The contributors show the interaction between the perceptions of outsiders, the views of local people, and the actual development efforts. The authors perceive development as a negotiated and contested field. Culture is not considered a factor constraining development but is seen rather as an engine which, due to the plurarlity of local and outsider cultures, sets the parameters for the battle. The volume include chapters on the major local economic sectors, social development, and cultural debates. In each chapter, the making of periphery is addressed from a different perspective.

The rise of africa : Miracle or mirage?

Medarbetare: Lorentz, Lina | Sköld, Mattias
Utgivare: Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 2011
The theme of NAI’s Annual Report 2010 reflects the impressive economic growth and encouraging political developments in many parts of the continent. However, in terms of democracy and human rights there are also worrying signs in several countries. The Annual Report offers a window on to NAI’s work. Drawing on their research, NAI scholars provide readers with engaging stories about the rapidly changing political, economic and social character of African societies.
