
Nordiska Afrikainstitutet

African Agriculture and The World Bank : Development or Impoverishment?

Upphovspersoner: Havnevik, Kjell | Bryceson, Deborah | Birgegård, Lars-Erik | Matondi, Prosper | Beyene, Atakilte
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet | Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 2007
Ämnesord: Agriculture, Rural development, Sustainable agriculture, Farming, Smallholders, Land tenure, Commodity markets, Poverty alleviation, Structural adjustment, Development strategy, Africa, Business and economics, Ekonomi
African smallholder family farming, the backbone of the continental economy throughout the colonial and early post-colonial period, has been destabilized and eroded over the past thirty years. Despite the World Bank’s poverty alleviation concerns, agrarian livelihoods continue to unravel under the impact of economic liberalization and global value chains. Can African smallholders bounce back and compete? The World Development Report 2008 argues they can and must. How realistic is this given the history of World Bank conditionality in Africa? This essay explores the productivity and welfare concerns of Africa’s smallholder farming population in the shadow of the World Bank.

Re-living the second Chimurenga : memories from the liberation struggle in Zimbabwe

Upphovsperson: Chung, Fay
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet | Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet; Weaver Press, Harare
År: 2006
Ämnesord: Biographies, national liberation movements, Liberation, Civil war, Independence, ZANU, Zimbabwe, Political science, Statsvetenskap
Fay Chung grew up in a Chinese family in Rhodesia in the 1950s and 1960s. She studied education and literature, and became a lecturer at the University of Zambia in the early 1970s. In Zambia, she joined the Zimbabwe African National Union (ZANU), and took part in the radicalisation of the nationalist rising, which led to Zimbabwe's independence in 1980. The memoirs of Fay Chung give an inside view of the divisions within ZANU during the late 1970s. She witnessed the change of leadership from Sithole to Mugabe, experienced the tensions between politicians and military leaders, as well as the rise and fall of the vashandi movement, which tried to change the direction of ZANU in a more socialist direction. Within ZANU, Fay Chung was prominent in preparing educational reform, and after Independence worked for the Zimbabwean Ministry of Education and Culture - eventually as Minister. Her memoirs describe the efforts to extend access to education and to bring ‘education-with-production’ principles into school curricula. Fay Chung also reflects on the ongoing crisis in Zimbabwe. While regretting the violence, she is critical of the new democratic opposition, and supports Robert Mugabe's 'Third Chimurenga' as a return to the objectives of land reform and economic justice, which she sees as the 'heartblood' of the liberation struggle. This is an account, which will be certain to provoke many readers, and which will stimulate discussions both within Zimbabwe and abroad. This edition includes an introduction by Preben Kaarsholm, which situates Fay Chung's narrative in the context of ongoing debates about Zimbabwe.

Short-cut to decay : the case of the Sudan

Upphovspersoner: Harir, Sharif | Tvedt, Terje
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet | Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 1994
Ämnesord: Civil war, conflicts, Economic conditions, Ethnicity, Government policy, political development, State, Sudan, SOCIAL SCIENCES, SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP
The Sudan can demonstrate that while there is no short-cut to progress there is one to decay and misery. After eleven years of peace, the second civil war has now lasted for more than ten years. Regional, ethnic and religious conflicts are intensifying all over the country. The economy is in shambles while a small élite is enriching itself.

The role of civil society in peacebuilding in Sudan today

Upphovspersoner: Awad, Yasir | Ahmed Elnaiem, Buthaina
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet | Stockholm, Sweden
År: 2012
Filmed seminar in the 'Sudan: North in the shadow of the South' series, held 19 April 2012. Dr. Yasir Awad, Life & Peace Institute, and Dr. Buthaina Ahmed Elnaiem, University of Juba/Bahri, Sudan, give give their views on the capacity of civil society in Sudan today and tell about current possibilities and initiatives within peacebuilding. The film is 60 minutes long.
