

Survival on meagre resources : Hadendowa pastoralism in the Red Sea Hills

Upphovspersoner: Manger, Leif O. | Abd el Ati, Hassan
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet | Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 1996
Ämnesord: Sudan, East Africa, Adaptation to change, Environmental degradation, Physical environment, Vegetation, Traditional culture, Ethnic groups, Food supply, Pastoralism, Survival strategies, Sudan, Political science, Statsvetenskap
This is the first comprehensive study of Hadendowa Beja pastoralism in Eastern Sudan. The various chapters deal with the effects of drought and of human activities on the natural environment; the effect on pastoral migration patterns, and socio-cultural changes. The authors argue that the recurrent pastoral disasters cannot be blamed only on the pastoralists, but must be related to wider economic and political contexts, in which the pastoralists are becoming increasingly marginalised.

Industrial development in Tanzania : some critical issues

Upphovspersoner: Skarstein, Rune | Wangwe, Samuel M.
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet | Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet; Tanzania Publishing House
År: 1986
Ämnesord: Tanzania, East Africa, Industrial development, Industrial policy, Foreign aid, Political science, Statsvetenskap
This study deals with some aspects of industrial development in Tanzania in the two last decades which the authors consider to be especially important. They adress mainly three groups of issues. First, choice and transfer of technology, technology policy, and the problems and implications of economies of scale. Second, the effects of foreign aid on industrial development in Tanzania. And third, the role of agriculture in industrial development. There is also a historical analysis of industrial development since independence and a critical assessment of the basic industry strategy (BIS) which was adopted as Tanzania's official industrialization strategy in 1975.

Rethinking education in Ethiopia

Upphovsperson: Negash, Tekeste
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet | Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 1996
Ämnesord: Ethiopia, East Africa, Educational policy, Educational systems, Non-formal education, Development aid, Political science, Statsvetenskap
Only 20 percent of the school-age population in Ethiopia have access to primary education. This study attempts to explore an alternative strategy as regards expansion of literacy and the fulfilment of educational and developmental needs. It argues that the strategy of non-formal education is in both cases a far better alternative.

African co-operatives and efficiency

Medarbetare: Widstrand, Carl Gösta
Utgivare: Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 1972
Ämnesord: Africa, Cooperatives, Cooperative movements, Anthropology, Social anthropology/ethnography, Socialantrolopologi/etnografi
In 1971 the Scandinavian Institute of African Studies and the East and Central African Office of the International Co-operative Alliance organized a seminar entitled "Efficiency in the Performance of Co-operatives" and it was held at the Co-operative College, Langata, Kenya. The papers in this volume are introductory papers sent to the participants before the seminar, as well as statements made by members of various organizations participating. Although the approaches seem different, there is one similarity to the co-operatives; all of the authors are trying in one way or another to answer the question: "What is co-operative efficiency?"

Challenges to the nation-state in Africa

Medarbetare: Olukoshi, Adebayo O. | Laakso, Liisa
Utgivare: Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet; Institute of Development Studies, Univ. of Helsinki ;
År: 1996
Ämnesord: conflicts, Ethnicity, Political development, Religion, State, Nation-building, Africa, Political science, Statsvetenskap
The challenges facing the nation-state in contemporary Africa are increasingly attracting the attention of scholars interested to understand how the decomposition and recomposition of popular political identities on the continent are affecting the post-colonial unitary project. The studies presented in this volume show that the challenges to the post-colonial nation-state project in Africa have mainly taken ethno-regionalist, religious and separatist forms. These challenges have been shaped by the long drawn-out economic crisis, zero-sum, market-led structural adjustment, and the legacy of decades of political authoritarianism and exclusion that dates from the colonial period. The contributors to this book present different suggestions to promote national unity and a supporting civic identity in Africa.
