

Colapso e reconstrução política na Guiné-Bissau 1998-2000 : um estudo de democratização difícil

Upphovsperson: Rudebeck, Lars
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet | Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 2001
Ämnesord: Democratization, political development, history, elections, political parties, Guinea-Bissau, Political science, Statsvetenskap
In this study of recent developments in Guinea Bissau. Lars Rudebeck seeks to investigate how democratic rule emerges and functions in real life. His analysis extends far beyond the multi-party system and election procedures as he discusses contrasts in people's perceptions of democracy. He assesses their access to influential structures, the roles of civil and political society, of the military, and of international assistance and argues that complex power structures need to be addressed if democracy is to be consolidated.

As Angolanas

Upphovsperson: Lagerström, Birgitta
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 2009
Ämnesord: Angola, Women, Women's role, Social work, Socialt arbete
The first time that I met Angolan women was in 1976 when Ruth Neto and Maria Mambo Café visited Stockholm, gathered by Svenska Kvinnors Vänsterförbund (Women’s Association of the Swedish Left, SKV). In 1978 I received a journalism scholarship by SIDA (Swedish International Development Agency) and spent six weeks in Angola to get acquainted to know the Organization of Angolan Women (OMA, Organizacão de Mulher Angolana). I travelled to Huambo with two OMA officials: Irene Neto, (sister of the first president of the Angolan republic, Augustinho Neto) and Luisa Chongolola. The visit to Angola resulted in a book, jointly written with Hillevi Nilsson of AGIS (The Africa Groups of Sweden) published in Swedish, about the OMA in the form of written testimonies about the role of the Angolan woman. I returned to Angola invited to a congress of the OMA in 1983, and later, in 1990, to work in Luanda for the OMA until 1993. I made joint articles with Idalinda Rodrigues who at that time was an employee of the OMA. Helena Cunha acted as consultant regarding portuguese language. All the articles have been published/appeared in the Jornal de Angola. The photographer Cinquenta of the Jornal de Angola also helped me get to know Luanda well. We tried publishing a book in 1992, but this was not possible due to the reemergence of war in Luanda in the end of October of that year. The texts were written between 1979 and 1992, and AGIS added a chapter in 2006.

A Suécia e as lutas de libertação nacional em Angola, Moçambique e Guiné-Bissau

Upphovsperson: Sellström, Tor
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet | Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 2008
Ämnesord: Relações exteriores, Movimentos de libertação nacional, Organizações de solidariedade, Sindicatos, Organizações de juventude, FNLA, FRELIMO, MPLA, PAIGC, UNITA, Angola, Guiné-Bissau, Mocambique, Suécia, Political science, Statsvetenskap
Durante a guerra fria o mundo ocidental em geral considerava os movimentos nacionais de libertação na Guiné Bissau e na África Austral como ”terroristas” e/ou ”comunistas”. A Suécia constituiu uma excepção, tendo depois sido seguida pelos outros países nórdicos. Com base numa decisão parlamentar aprovada por uma larga maioria, a Suécia tornou-se, em 1969, o primeiro país do Ocidente a dar ajuda oficial aos movimentos nacionalistas. Estes movimentos depois de uma prolongada luta armada contra o poder colonial português, o governo de minoria branca e o apartheid, sairiam vencedores e tornar-se-iam os partidos dominantes nos seus países.No presente volume  descreve-se o surgimento de uma opinião na Suécia e a ajuda deste país aos movimentos de libertação MPLA (Angola), FRELIMO (Moçambique) e PAIGC (Guiné-Bissau).  O volume baseia-se na obra do autor intitulada “A Suécia e a libertação nacional na África Austral”, que também trata do Zimbabué, da Namíbia e da África do Sul e que foi publicada em dois volumes pelo Instituto Nórdico de Estudos Africanos, em 1999 e 2002 respectivamente.