
Social change and economic reform in Africa

Medarbetare: Gibbon, Peter
Utgivare: Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 1993
Språk: eng
Ämnesord: Tanzania, Kenya, East Africa, Lesotho, Zimbabwe, Southern Africa, Africa, Non-governmental organizations, Economic policy, Economic reform, Agriculture, Labour, Health, Political participation, Informal sector, Social change, Structural adjustment, Economic conditions, Business and economics, Ekonomi
Identifikator: urn:isbn:91-7106-331-5
Rättigheter: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
The African-based authors of this volume provide a series of objective, detailed, factually up-to-date, and theoretically informed studies of reent developments in agriculture, the informal sector, the social sector and 'civil society' in Kenya, Lesotho, Tanzania and Zimbabwe. They analyse the main trends and forces operating in these fields and consider the economic reform programme's impact against this background.