

Energy and development in southern Africa : SADCC country studies. P. 2

Upphovspersoner: O'Keefe, Phil | Munslow, Barry
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet | Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet; The Beijer Institute
År: 1984
Ämnesord: Southern Africa, Energy consumption, Energy demand, Energy supply, Energy resources, Development, SOCIAL SCIENCES, SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP
Many developing countries have been hard hit by the double "energy crisis" of threatened fuelwood supply and the increasing burden of oil imports. During the last decade energy provision has become a vitally important issue so that energy is now regarded as a basic factor of production ranking in importance with classical components: land, labour and capital. Careful and innovative energy planning has become a necessity for successful development. This volume contains the first part of a series of nine energy country studies, prepared by the Beijer Institute as background material for the SADCC Regional Energy Seminar in Harare, December 1982. This series report on the methodology and findings of the Kenyan and SADCC studies.

Energy and development in Kenya : opportunities and constraints

Medarbetare: O'Keefe, Phil
Utgivare: Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet; The Beijer Institute
År: 1984
Ämnesord: Kenya, East Africa, Energy resources, Energy balance, Energy policy, Development, SOCIAL SCIENCES, SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP
Many developing countries have been hard hit by the double "energy crisis" of threatened fuelwood supply and the increasing burden of oil imports. During the last decade energy provision has become a vitally important issue so that energy is now regarded as a basic factor of production ranking in importance with classical components: land, labour and capital. Careful and innovative energy planning has become a necessity for successful development. The material presented in this volume is a summary of the findings of the Kenyan Fuelwood Project.

Mozambique : a dream undone

Upphovsperson: Egerö, Bertil
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet | Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 1987
Ämnesord: Mozambique, Southern Africa, Economic conditions, Liberation, Decolonization, Democracy, Socialism, Social participation, State participation, Political conditions, History, Post war, Political science, Statsvetenskap
This study is a penetrating insight into the historical process of formation of a new state; the steps taken to create the basis for a democratic development, and the forces working for economic modernisation through centralisation and advanced technology. The study centers on conflicts between these two approaches in a poor and illiterate society. It connects the pre-independence processes with the politically dynamic period up to the the Party Congress of 1983 and the Nkomati Agreement with South Africa. It links the macro-perspective of Maputo to the efforts and frustrations of the simple peasants in the north.

National identity and democracy in Africa

Medarbetare: Palmberg, Mai
Utgivare: Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 1999
Ämnesord: Africa, National identity, Democracy, Migration, SOCIAL SCIENCES, SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP
"This is not a contribution to nation-building. I hope it helps disrupt nation-building". These words by film-maker Zackie Ahmat gave a kick-start to the discussions at the international conference on "National Identity and Democracy" held at the University of the Western Cape 14-18 March 1997, and they also introduce the theme for the book with some of the best contributions to the conference. Ahmat's understanding of "nation-building" was the kind of cultural homogenisation ordered from above which has been the rule in many parts of the world, not least in Africa. Nation-building has here often been been a hypocritical cloak for the hegemony of an elite, sometimes mobilising support from just one cultural group. By the title of the conference the organisers wanted to invite a discussion both on the insight that building a nation and building democracy are not necessarily twins, and on the risks of the misuse of power in the name of the nation. South Africa represents a possible and hopeful departure from the homogenisation model, with its explicit pluralism expressed in the adoption of 11 official languages. Six of the papers deal with the South African experiment, with an examination of the policy of non-racialism and the specific challenges posed by migrant workers, group identities and the themes of gender and nation. Other chapters are case studies from national identity formation on the contested cultural terrain in Zimbabwe, Kenya, Angola, Nigeria, and Tanzania. The book also contains an annotated bibliography.

Micro-regionalism in West Africa : evidence from two case studies

Upphovspersoner: Söderbaum, Fredrik | Taylor, Ian
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet | Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 2007
Ämnesord: Regional cooperation, regional integration, regional development, regionalization, case studies, West Africa, Sahel, Niger, Nigeria, SOCIAL SCIENCES, SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP
This collection seeks to complement and advance recent studies on regionalism in Africa and the implications that this has for the continent’s development. The two case studies on cross-border micro-regionalism in the borderlands of Mali-Burkina Faso and Niger-Nigeria are part of the work of the West Africa Borders and Integration (WABI). WABI is a research institute that looks at cross-border developments in West Africa, particularly at the convergence between political will and regionalisation on the ground. Providing a challenge to the considerable number of state-centric, formalistic and not seldom overly idealistic studies in this field, the two cases show quite clearly that formal borders either essentially do not exist in the Westphalian sense, being ignored by local populations and traders, or, are strategically used by (often self-styled) representatives of the state to extract resources and rents. In either case, the Eurocentric notion of fixed boundaries and bordered delineations has little purchase in the West African Sahel.

The Nordic countries and Africa : old and new relations

Upphovsperson: Wohlgemuth, Lennart
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet | Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 2002
Ämnesord: Aid policy, Development aid, trade, Africa, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, SOCIAL SCIENCES, SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP
The Institute has asked one representative from each Nordic country to give an account of how their respective countries have dealt with Africa over the years (in some cases even over the centuries) but with an emphasis on the last 50 years. They were also asked to indicate what role Africa has played in the politics, trade, etc. of their countries. The diversity of the invited authors’ backgrounds and fields of specialisation is reflected in their contributions, but the authors have one thing in common: a long experience from, and deep engagement in, Africa’s development.

Poverty, income distribution and labour markets in Ethiopia

Medarbetare: Bigsten, Arne | Kebede, Bereket | Shimeles, Abebe
Utgivare: Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 2005
Ämnesord: Ethiopia, poverty, Economic conditions, income distribution, household income, labour market, Business and economics, Ekonomi
Ethiopia is one of the poorest countries in the world with a per capita income of just over US$100. Understanding the causes of the country's widespread poverty is of the utmost importance. Until recently, however, very little household data was available. This study deals with the many aspects of poverty and income distribution in Ethiopia. It analyses the determinants of poverty and how its conditions have changed in both rural and urban areas over time. Rural and urban poverty profiles and the dynamics of poverty are examined, measurements taken of consumption poverty are compared with individual perceptions of poverty, and an analysis is made of the distribution of intra-household expenditure and the dynamics of income distribution. In addition, the functioning of the urban labour market returns to education, and the effects of education on household welfare are investigated. Finally, there is extensive discussion of the wide range of policies that need to be coordinated for poverty reduction in Ethiopia.

Afrika i det tjugonde seklet

Upphovsperson: Davidson, Basil
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet | Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 2001
Ämnesord: Africa, History, Colonialism, Decolonization, Independence, Nationalism, Political development, SOCIAL SCIENCES, SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP
Ny omarbetad upplaga. Afrikas moderna politiska och sociala historia presenteras här insiktsfullt och översiktligt på ett sätt som gör den till ett standardverk i sig och en oundgänglig bakgrund till de enskilda afrikanska ländernas historia. Boken har skrivits i skuggan av de kriser som många afrikanska samhällen och institutioner drabbades av i slutet av 1900-talet och som fortfarande pågår. Bokens författare, den kände afrikaexperten Basil Davidson, diskuterar orsakerna till sönderfallet och de afrikanska staternas sårbarhet. Men han tar också itu med de industrialiserade ländernas misslyckanden att förändra förhållandet mellan de rika länderna i nord och de fattiga i syd. Boken avslutas med en diskussion om hur Afrika idag söker sina egna lösningar. I boken finns ett detaljrikt och praktiskt index och flera specialritade kartor. Den är lämplig som studie- och referensbok på gymnasiet och i vuxenutbildningen. Basil Davidson är en brittisk journalist och historiker som skrivit ett 20-tal böcker om Afrikas historia. Han har nått en stor publik i sina strävanden att framställa Afrikas historia ur ett afrikanskt perspektiv med afrikanska källor.

The institutional context of poverty eradication in rural Africa : proceedings from a seminar in tribute to the 20th anniversary of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Medarbetare: Havnevik, Kjell | Sandström, Emil
Utgivare: Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 2000
Ämnesord: Africa, Poverty alleviation, Rural Areas, Conference papers, International Fund for Agricultural Development, SOCIAL SCIENCES, SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP
This volume presents papers focusing on politico-economic reforms in Africa and their impact on different groups of rural poor; and on the role that access to assets can play in addressing poverty issues. The volume also covers IFAD's twenty years of experience, new challenges and opportunities in smallholder development in East and southern Africa, and knowledge creation and dissemination in the context of strategic partnerships and alliances.
