

Lawyers in the Third World : comparative and developmental perspectives

Medarbetare: Dias, Clarence J. | Luckham, R. | Lynch, D. O. | Paul, J. C. N.
Utgivare: Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 1981
Ämnesord: Africa, Developing countries, Lawyers, SOCIAL SCIENCES, SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP
The underlying reason for this book is a concern about the social impact of legal professions on "development" and "underdevelopment" and on the capacity of the mass of people in the countries studied (who are poor by any standards) to use law to better their social condition. Part of the book is a collection of empirical and historical studies of lawyers in various Third World countries. These studies offer data and insights of value to legal and other scholars of the countries and regions examined; material for historians of colonial societies; contributions to theories of professionalism and the sociology of occupational groups, evidence to support theories which link characteristics of legal professions with characteristics of the political economy within which they exist. An overview essay discusses different paradigms which have influenced thinking about development and the significance of lawyers in it, and different approaches which may affect the study and evaluation of legal professions. The country studies come next. The concluding chapters set out some generalizations about social factors which have influenced the history and character of Third World professions and the social impact of professions, notably on the rural poor. Generally, the case studies suggest that legal professions contribute to the kind of highly skewed distribution of wealth and power now characteristic of many Third World polities. A final chapter explores the implications of these findings for alternative approaches to development.

Environment, climate and the Sudanese conflicts

Upphovspersoner: Sörbö, Gunnar | Kunda Komey, Guma
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet | Uppsala, Sweden
År: 2012
First seminar in the series 'Sudan: North in the shadow of the South'. Filmed 29 March 2012. 46 min. long. Climate change and environmental factors are often dismissed as causes of conflict. The session will dig deeper into the environmental root causes of conflict in Sudan and provide views on the issue from a civil society perspective.Speakers: Dr. Gunnar Sørbø (Christian Michelsen Institute) and Dr. Guma Kunda Komey (Senior Researcher, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg).

Privatising services as if people matter : Solid waste management in Abuja, Nigeria

Upphovsperson: Onyanta, Adama
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Urban Dynamics | Uppsala, Sweden
År: 2012
There is an overwhelming focus on the state and the private sector in the language and practice of privatisation, even though it calls for a tripartite arrangement that includes the people. A major consequence is the failure to comprehend and assess fully the important role of the people. While the people have a major part in supporting privatisation through payment of user charges, they are not often seen as key partners by city governments in Africa. Public participation has important implications for finance and cost recovery. Thus a people-centred approach to privatisation in which the users of services are consulted and involved in decision-making processes is crucial to the emergence of sustainable solid waste management systems in African cities. This study provides useful insights into the complexity of public participation in the context of privatisation of solid waste services and offers policy guidelines relevant to the major stakeholders.

Imagining a peaceful society : a vision of children's literature in a post-conflict Zimbabwe

Upphovsperson: Chitando, Anna
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet | Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 2008
Ämnesord: conflicts, Political crisis, peace, literature, Authors, children, Social change, Dispute settlement, Peaceful coexistence, Post-conflict reconstruction, Zimbabwe, SOCIAL SCIENCES, SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP
Imagining a Peaceful Society: A Vision of Children's Literature in a Post-Conflict Zimbabwe addresses the marginalisation of children's literature from the discourse on conflict and peace building in Africa. By presenting a unique perspective to how writers of children's literature, and children themselves understand, grapple with, and envision peace in a post-conflict Zimbabwean society, this Discussion Paper calls attention to the immense, but largely untapped potential of literature as a critical resource for the promotion peace in Africa.

Gender Violence and HIV/AIDS in Post-Conflict West Africa : Issues and responses

Upphovsperson: Ahonsi, Babatunde A.
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Conflict, Displacement and Transformation | Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 2010
Ämnesord: Post-conflict reconstruction, Violence against women, sexual abuse, Sexually transmitted diseases, Hiv, aids, Women’s health, Gender analysis, Liberia, Sierra Leone, SOCIAL SCIENCES, SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP
This discussion paper examines the linkages between gender and gender inequality in the context of conflict, sexual violence and HIV transmission, and their impact on postconflict reconstruction in Sierra Leone and Liberia. It makes two critical contributions to a gendered perspective on post-conflict transitions in West Africa. First, it notes that contrary to conventional wisdom, post-war transitions to relative peace have made little difference to women’s exposure to chronic sexual violence, with potential implications for increased HIV transmission. Second, the study interrogates those assumptions linking war-related sexual violence to high HIV prevalence in post-conflict contexts, by showing that despite over a decade of armed conflict, Liberia and Sierra Leone had adult HIV prevalence rates that were among the lowest in West Africa. This paper goes beyond generally held notions of the sexual and gender dimensions of civil wars in Africa and points to a gap in, and key challenge for studies and policies on post-conflict reconstruction in Africa.

Domination or dialogue? : experiences and prospects for African development cooperation

Medarbetare: Havnevik, Kjell | Van Arkadie, Brian
Utgivare: Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 1996
Ämnesord: Africa, Democratization, Development aid, Economic policy, Economic reform, International policy, Aid policy, SOCIAL SCIENCES, SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP
Beskrivning In a bid to contribute to a deeper understanding in the Nordic countries of the dynamics of development cooperation in Africa, the Nordic Africa Institute convened a conference in Uppsala, Sweden, in October 1995. This publication presents the papers and the discussions of the seminar, discussing the origins, achievements and problems as well as the prospects for sustainable development cooperation in Africa.
