
Sierra Leone

Utan mark, utan makt : Kvinnorna utan rätt att fatta beslut när Swedfund investerar i Addax Bioenergy i Sierra Leone

Upphovsperson: Whålin, Malena
Utgivare: Swedwatch | Svenska Kyrkan
Tidskrift/källa: Swedwatch Report
År: 2013
Ämnesord: Sierra Leone, Energi, Bioenergi, ekonomiska förhållanden, Ekonomisk utveckling och tillväxt, Land, Land acquisition, Kvinnofrågor, Arbetsrätt
Klarar näringslivet att leverera biståndsmål? Swedwatchs granskning av Swedfunds satsning på ett bioenergiprojekt i Sierra Leone visar hur kvinnors rättigheter kommer i kläm när företaget Addax Bioenergy arrenderar mark för sockerrörsodling.

Rapporten ”Utan mark, utan makt” granskar hur ett bioenergiprojekt i Sierra Leone lever upp till svenska och internationella utvecklingsmål. Svenska statens utvecklingsfinansiär Swedfund har investerat 90 miljoner kronor av den totala investeringen på 2,4 miljarder kronor i företaget Addax Bioenergy. Företaget backas även upp av sju andra utvecklingsbanker från olika länder. Företaget odlar sockerrör och ska producera etanol till den europeiska marknaden samt elektricitet till den nationella marknaden i Sierra Leone.

För sin verksamhet arrenderar Addax Bioenergy ett markområde på 44 000 hektar av lokalbefolkningen i 92 byar i norra Sierra Leone. De självförsörjande bönderna får 55 kronor per hektar och år i arrende.

Trots att Addax Bioenergy har ett ambitiöst hållbarhetsarbete visar Swedwatchs granskning att det finns stora utmaningar i projektet. Att investera i ett storskaligt jordbruk i ett fattigt postkonfliktland som Sierra Leone ställer krav på breddade perspektiv, långsiktighet och - kanske framför allt - lokalbefolkningens inkludering och involvering. Swedwatchs studie visar att kvinnor har begränsade möjligheter att dra nytta av projektet. De får inte äga mark enligt de lokala traditionerna. Det är i stor utsträckning kvinnorna som brukat och rört sig på marken men de har haft mycket begränsat inflytande i förhandlingarna och får sällan del av arrendet. De berörs i hög grad av projektet men har av på grund av sin underordnade ställning sämre tillgång till information och klagomålsmekanismer och sämre chanser till arbete än männen.

Kvinnor behöver ges fler möjligheter att dels delta i avtalsprocessen, dels dra nytta av projektet. Löpande kommunikation med lokalbefolkningen bör förbättras och utgå ifrån lokala behov, språk och traditioner så att ett meningsfullt deltagande möjliggörs.

Marken ska enligt avtalen arrenderas i 50 år framöver och bioenergiprojektet är ännu bara inne på sitt tredje år. Förväntningarna på de utvecklingseffekter det ska ge är höga både bland investerare och lokalbefolkning. Swedwatchs fältstudie har visat att det finns allvarliga risker att projektet inverkar negativt på människorättssituationen i de berörda byarna. Om projektet ska generera en tillväxt som kommer lokalbefolkningen till godo och stärker hela Sierra Leone så bör projektet i högre grad utgå ifrån deras behov. Idag saknar lokalbefolkningen korrekt information eller förståelse för projektet och många har arrenderat ut sin mark för att de upplever att de blivit lovade arbete.

I de byar som Swedwatch besökt råder stor besvikelse över att inte fler har fått jobb och att säsongsanställningarna skapar stor osäkerhet. Upplevelsen av svikna löften har lett till en spänd situation mellan företaget och lokalbefolkningen som var tydlig under Swedwatchs besök och som visade sig i en protest mot företaget som riskerade att bli våldsam.

Ebola: accurate information prevents rumours and panic : educating leaders is one measure - along with distributing soap

Upphovsperson: Crentsil, Perpetual
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Agrarian Change, Property and Resources | Uppsala
År: 2015
Ämnesord: Ebola virus, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, West Africa, Epidemics, Disease control, Health personnel, Health policy, Health system, Infectious diseases, medical care, Traditional medicine, Funeral
The Ebola epidemic in West Africa is unprecedented in its scope. This Policy Note stresses the importance of knowledge of social factors in preventing the spread of the fatal disease. There are similarities with the previous HIV/AIDS epidemic. Traditional healers and heads of households are key players for health experts to target in protecting people against infection. Normal funeral services are one source of infection. A very basic preventive measure is providing families with soap.

Musical Violence : Gangsta Rap and Politics in Sierra Leone

Upphovsperson: Tucker, Boima
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Conflict, Displacement and Transformation |
År: 2013
Ämnesord: Sierra Leone, youth, Popular music, politics, Social change, cultural identity
Hip Hop has become a global force in recent years. However, when taken up by youth outside its American birthplace, it is often dismissed as a shallow adaptation or imitation of American popular culture. However, its global popularity cannot be questioned, and its proliferation is aided by its adaptability to local contexts. It has become associated with an emergent youth political identity in many parts of the world, a result of its ability to embody rebellious youth energy. Hip Hop is a new global lingua franca for youth rebellion that exists beyond the boundaries of the state, and is aided by the emergence of the internet and accompanying communications technologies. Analysis of the political ramifications of Hip Hop in West African societies is vital to gaining a true sense of what democracy means in the local context. This paper focuses on the West African country of Sierra Leone, and explores how youth participation in Hip Hop there is a radical political project.

When the State Fails : Studies on Intervention in the Sierra Leone Civil War

Medarbetare: Zack-Williams, Tunde
Utgivare: Pluto Press; Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 2012
Ämnesord: Sierra Leone, Civil war, Armed forces, Military activity, Foreign intervention, conflicts, Post-conflict reconstruction, Peacebuilding, Security sector reform, Regional security, Neoliberalism, Political science, Statsvetenskap
Compared with Iraq, Afghanistan and Kosovo, the recent western intervention in Sierra Leone has been largely forgotten. This book provides a comprehensive and critical overview of what happened, and examines its ongoing consequences. Sierra Leone’s civil war began in 1991 and was officially declared over in 2002 after UK, UN and regional African military intervention. The contributors provide an informed analysis of the impact of the intervention on democracy, development and society in Sierra Leone. They take a particularly critical view of the imposition of neoliberalism after the conflict.

Multi-choice policing in Africa

Upphovsperson: Baker, Bruce
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet | Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 2008
Ämnesord: Police, conflicts, Crime prevention, violence, Safety, Human security, Social implications, Africa South of Sahara, Uganda, Sierra Leone, Political science, Statsvetenskap
Policing is crucial to how Africans experience the freedoms of democracy and determines to a large degree the levels of economic investment they will enjoy. Yet it is a neglected area of study. Based on field research, this book reveals the surprising variety of people involved in policing besides the state police. Indeed many Africans are faced with a wide choice of public and private, legal and illegal, effective and ineffective policing. Policing in Africa is very much more than what the police do. It concerns the activities of business interests, residential communities, cultural groups, criminal organisations, local political figures and governments. How people negotiate this 'multi-choice' of policing options, and the implications of this for government and donor security policy, is the subject of this book It covers policing in all its forms in Sub-Saharan Africa, including two case studies of Uganda and Sierra Leone.

Gender Violence and HIV/AIDS in Post-Conflict West Africa : Issues and responses

Upphovsperson: Ahonsi, Babatunde A.
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Conflict, Displacement and Transformation | Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 2010
Ämnesord: Post-conflict reconstruction, Violence against women, sexual abuse, Sexually transmitted diseases, Hiv, aids, Women’s health, Gender analysis, Liberia, Sierra Leone, SOCIAL SCIENCES, SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP
This discussion paper examines the linkages between gender and gender inequality in the context of conflict, sexual violence and HIV transmission, and their impact on postconflict reconstruction in Sierra Leone and Liberia. It makes two critical contributions to a gendered perspective on post-conflict transitions in West Africa. First, it notes that contrary to conventional wisdom, post-war transitions to relative peace have made little difference to women’s exposure to chronic sexual violence, with potential implications for increased HIV transmission. Second, the study interrogates those assumptions linking war-related sexual violence to high HIV prevalence in post-conflict contexts, by showing that despite over a decade of armed conflict, Liberia and Sierra Leone had adult HIV prevalence rates that were among the lowest in West Africa. This paper goes beyond generally held notions of the sexual and gender dimensions of civil wars in Africa and points to a gap in, and key challenge for studies and policies on post-conflict reconstruction in Africa.

Reflections on the Challenge of Reconstructing Post-Conflict States in West Africa : Insights From Claude Ake’s Political Writings

Upphovsperson: Arowosegbe, Jeremiah O.
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Conflict, Displacement and Transformation | Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 2011
Ämnesord: political development, Democratization, Post-conflict reconstruction, State Nation-building, Peacebuilding, Political theory, Nigeria, Niger Delta, Sierra Leone, Political science, Statsvetenskap
This Discussion Paper is based on a theoretical exploration of state reconstruction and the prospects for peacebuilding in post-conflict West African countries based on critical reflections on the political thought of Claude Ake, one of Nigeria’s foremost political thinkers. Its point of departure is the refutation of the view that the state project in Africa is ‘hopeless’ or at a dead-end. It therefore revisits the debate on the viability of the state project in the continent, particularly as it relates to those West African states emerging from or affected by violent conflict. While acknowledging the shortcomings of the state-formation project in some post conflict West African countries, the author argues that the state remains a key institutional and social actor that needs to be understood more in terms of its historical moorings, political economy and marginal position in the international order. Drawing on Ake’s postulations about the limited autonomy of the state in Africa and its links to political violence and conflict, the author critiques both the hegemonic discourses on the nature of the state in Africa and those relating to post-conflict peacebuilding in the continent. The analysis of the latter focuses on the epistemological groundings of mainstream peacebuilding discourses, and posits that there is no guarantee that such imported models ensure sustainable peace in West Africa. Thus, the paper makes a compelling case for reinventing the state in West Africa based on autochthonous democratic transformation in favour of ordinary people. In this regard, it argues for an endogenous transformation of the state in Africa in ways that can strongly root it in the people as a fundamental step towards sustainable and locally owned participatory peacebuilding. It thereby opens up a new perspective on state reconstruction as a step towards ending violent conflict in the sub-region.
