

Transnational Islamist (Jihadist) Movements and Inter-State Conflicts in the Horn of Africa

Upphovsperson: Salih, M.A. Mohamed
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Conflict, Displacement and Transformation | Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 2011
Ämnesord: Political islam, Religious movements, Regional conflicts, Regional security, Horn of Africa, Political science, Statsvetenskap
Somalia has engendered the policy debate on the extent of the spread of transnational Islamist Jihadist groups in the Horn of Africa (HOA) and their consequences for peace and security across the region. These concerns are justified given the emergence since the late 1980s of extremist groups such as the Eritrean Islamic Jihad Movement and the Somali Jihadist Islamist groups of the likes of Al-Ittihad, the Islamic Courts Union and currently Al Shabab. The leaders and fighters of these groups relocated to the HOA after the defeat of the Taliban following the 2001 US invasion of Afghanistan. The operations of these transnational Islamist groups within and across the countries of the Horn pose serious challenges to the region and beyond.

Chinese medical cooperation in Africa : With special emphasis on the medical teams and anti-malaria campaign

Upphovsperson: Li, Anshan
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Globalization, Trade and Regional Integration | Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet ; Peking University, School of International Studies
År: 2011
Ämnesord: Health aid, Health services, International cooperation, South south relations, Africa, China, Other social sciences, Övrig samhällsvetenskap
Medical cooperation between China and Africa started in 1963 when China sent its first medical team to Algeria. With the increase in China’s power and the implementation of the “going-out” strategy, China’s policy towards Africa has become a focus of the international community, while for China, South-South cooperation has become more significant. Cooperation in the medical field is a typical element in South-South cooperation and is an important part of China’s official development assistance (ODA). It includes Chinese medical teams, the anti-malaria campaign, training African medical personnel, China-supported medications, facilities and hospitals in Africa, and Chinese medical cooperation with WHO and other international institutions in Africa. The dispatch of Chinese medical teams by the government is one of the most enduring and effective forms of cooperation in Africa. This paper studies the medical cooperation between China and Africa, with special emphasis on Chinese medical teams and anti-malaria efforts, especially after the China-Africa Summit in 2006.

The Nigerian state, oil and the Niger Delta crisis

Upphovsperson: Ukiwo, Ukoha
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet | London; Uppsala : Zed Books; Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 2011
Ämnesord: Energy resources, Petroleum industry, international trade, Transnational corporations, Geopolitics, Responsibility, Governance, Corruption, Political crisis, ethnic conflicts, Dispute settlement, Human rights violations, Political violence, Protest movements, Conflict management, Political conditions, Nigeria, Niger Delta, Political science, Statsvetenskap
The recent escalation in the violent conflict in the Niger Delta has brought the region to the forefront of international energy and security concerns. This book analyses the causes, dynamics and politics underpinning oil-related violence in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. It focuses on the drivers of the conflict, as well as the ways the crises spawned by the political economy of oil and contradictions within Nigeria's ethnic politics have contributed to the morphing of initially poorly coordinated, largely non-violent protests into a pan-Delta insurgency. Approaching the issue from a number of perspectives, the book offers the most up-to-date and comprehensive analysis available of the varied dimensions of the conflict. Combining empirically-based and analytic chapters, it attempts to explain the causes of the escalation in violence, the various actors, levels and dynamics involved, and the policy challenges faced with regard to conflict management/resolution and the options for peace. It also examines the role of oil as a commodity of global strategic significance, addressing the relationship between oil, energy security and development in the Niger Delta.

The bush is sweet : identity, power and development among WoDaaBe Fulani in Niger

Upphovsperson: Loftsdóttir, Kristín
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 2008
Ämnesord: Ethnic groups, Pastoralists, cultural identity, Ethnicity, Traditional culture, Social change, Social and cultural anthropology, Fula, Niger, Social anthropology/ethnography, Socialantrolopologi/etnografi
In this book Kristín Loftsdóttir gives the reader a highly personal insight into the lives of the Wodaabe nomads of Niger, who are striving to make a living between the bush and the city. Spending nearly two years as a Wodaabe, within a Wodaabe extended family and alternating between the nomadic setting of the bush and the urbanised life-style of the capital, Niamey, she was in a unique position to observe the effects that increasing urbanisation and globalisation, together with the modern tourist industry’s preconceptions and demands, have had on the identity and power relations of the Wodaabe. Interwoven with the abstract scientific observations are the more personal reflections and analyses of a young white woman on living within, and sharing all aspects of, the everyday lives of the Wodaabe with the broad spectrum of reactions which this entails. These sensitively written and honest descriptions, including details of what the author at times experiences as her own shortcomings within her project, give a most interesting dimension to the work not always found in social science studies which means that this book should appeal to a wider readership than might initially be expected.
