Medarbetare: | Hydén, Göran | Leslie, Michael | Ogundimu, Folu Folarin |
Utgivare: | Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet; Transaction publishers |
År: | 2002 |
Språk: | eng |
Ämnesord: | media, democracy, political development, Political science, Statsvetenskap |
Identifikator: | urn:isbn:91-7106-495-8 |
Rättigheter: | info:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccess |
Media and democracy in Africa
Recession in Africa : background papers to the seminar Africa - which way out of the recession?, Uppsala, September 1982
Medarbetare: | Carlsson, Jerker |
Utgivare: | Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet |
År: | 1983 |
Ämnesord: | Malawi, Ghana, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Mocambique, Cote d'Ivoire, Economic recession, Economic theory, Conference papers, Business and economics, Ekonomi |
Demography and the development potential of sub-Saharan Africa
Displacement Economies in Africa : Paradoxes of Crisis and Creativity
Medarbetare: | Hammar, Amanda |
Utgivare: | London : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet |
År: | 2014 |
Ämnesord: | Africa South of Sahara, Development strategy, economics, politics, Displaced persons, Refugess, Labour mobility, Forced migration, Social conflicts, case studies, Regional security, Livelihood |
A new partnership for African development : issues and parameters
Political and economic liberalisation in Zambia 1991-2001
Upphovsperson: | Rakner, Lise |
Utgivare: | Nordiska Afrikainstitutet | Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet |
År: | 2003 |
Ämnesord: | economic development, economic reform, Donors, political development, Zambia, SOCIAL SCIENCES, SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP |