

Adam Afzelius: Sierra Leone journals 1795-96

Medarbetare: Kup, Peter
Utgivare: Uppsala, Sweden : The Institute of African Studies, University of Sierra Leone; Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 1967
Adam Afzelius botanist and professor at the University of Uppsala, Sweden, and one of he last of the pupils of the famous Linnaeus spent the years 1792-1796 as a botanist in Freetown, Sierra Leone. The first parts of his journals and his collections were destroyed in Freetown during a French attack in 1794, but the journals from 1795 and 1796 survived and are preserved in the manuscript collections of the University Library at Uppsala. Afzelius had a keen eye for minute detail and his journals abound with descriptions and notes of great botanical and ethnographical interest.

Gender, agency, and embodiment theories in relation to space in Gender, cities and local governance

Upphovsperson: Malmström, Maria Frederika
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet | Cairo : Centre d’Études et de Documentation Économiques, Juridiques et Sociales (CEDEJ)
År: 2011
Ämnesord: urban space, gender, embodiment, agency, Theory, female circumcision
Why (and how) is it important to query into the particular lived experiences and ‘embodied agency’ of women if we want to study urban spaces through the lens of gender?  This paper discusses this overarching question in relation to recent dynamic and generative theories of gender, embodiment and agency.  This theoretical framework connects subjects’ identities to dominant discourses and social structures with the help of lived experiences.  This is particularly fruitful because it makes it possible to analyse agents within a context of social, cultural and political change.  It also means the possibility to grasp women’s narratives and body language as they engage in acts of resistance, as well as the marking of body and space.  The actions of ‘the secret self’ among younger generations, for example, give increased space and have manipulative potential as long as these ‘morally forbidden’ and dishonourable acts are not brought out into the public sphere.  This approach is relevant since it is possible to analyse the singularity of experience, not only as a form of social interaction, but as linked to social structures and discourses, which implies negotiations of tensions, conflicts and uncertainties.  The need to understand agency as the capacity to act according to the exigencies of the specific socio-cultural forms the main premise of this paper; where each context comprises the complex interaction between the local and a variety of wider global forces.  My approach is to combine experience with representation through phenomenology and ethnography.  I use experience near ethnography that begins with women’s own practices and attends to how they understand themselves, how their bodies are involved in this process and how they live out norms and ideologies in their everyday lives.  Thereby we are able to understand how women’s realities and identities are interpreted, negotiated and constructed, and how the body actively is involved in these processes.

When the State Fails : Studies on Intervention in the Sierra Leone Civil War

Medarbetare: Zack-Williams, Tunde
Utgivare: Pluto Press; Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 2012
Ämnesord: Sierra Leone, Civil war, Armed forces, Military activity, Foreign intervention, conflicts, Post-conflict reconstruction, Peacebuilding, Security sector reform, Regional security, Neoliberalism, Political science, Statsvetenskap
Compared with Iraq, Afghanistan and Kosovo, the recent western intervention in Sierra Leone has been largely forgotten. This book provides a comprehensive and critical overview of what happened, and examines its ongoing consequences. Sierra Leone’s civil war began in 1991 and was officially declared over in 2002 after UK, UN and regional African military intervention. The contributors provide an informed analysis of the impact of the intervention on democracy, development and society in Sierra Leone. They take a particularly critical view of the imposition of neoliberalism after the conflict.

50th anniversary conference 'Fifty years with Africa in focus' : Panel discussion following the presentation of the anniversary publication “Researching Africa”

Upphovspersoner: Sall, Ebrima | Teppo, Annika | Cheru, Fantu
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Urban Dynamics | Nordiska Afrikainstitutet | CODESRIA | Uppsala, Sweden
År: 2012
Ämnesord: anniversary conference, panel discussion, Teppo, Cheru, Sall, research, Africa
Filmed during the 50th anniversary conference 'Fifty years with Africa in focus', 12 October 2012 in Uppsala, Sweden. 44 min. 40 sek.

50th anniversary conference 'Fifty years with Africa in focus' : Panel discussion: The Future Challenges for Africa and the Role of Research

Upphovspersoner: Olukoshi, Adebayo | Ndinga-Muvumba, Angela | Massad, Joseph | Houghton, Irungu
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet | IDEP | Colombia University | Oxfam | Uppsala, Sweden
År: 2012
Ämnesord: anniversary conference, Africa, research, panel discussion
Filmed during the 50th anniversary conference 'Fifty years with Africa in focus', 12 October 2012 in Uppsala, Sweden. Part 1: 59 min. 16 sek. Part 2: 25 min. 35 sek.

Favouring a Demonised Plant : Khat and Ethiopian smallholder enterprises

Upphovsperson: Gessesse, Dessie
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Agrarian Change, Property and Resources | Uppsala, Sweden
År: 2013
Ämnesord: Ethiopia, Plant production, Drugs of abuse, Khat, Commercial farming, Small farms, Smallholders, Income, Livelihood
Khat is a plant native to Ethiopia that has been consumed over several centuries as a mental and physical stimulant. This report outlines khat’s role as a source of livelihood. Khat, dubbed a social ill by many, is at the same time part and parcel of the livelihoods of many others. With consumption of the stimulant spreading to many parts of Africa, Europe, North America, Asia and Australia, khat production has become a controversial global issue. In most European and North American countries khat is illegal. The debates so far focus on the consumption of khat and its allegedly harmful health ,economic and social effects. The argument here is that expanded khat production, driven by growing demand for the stimulant, is made possible through multidimensional links between producers, sellers and others. Today, khat production is part of the wider agro-silvi-pasture complex that characterises Ethiopian rural landscapes. At the farm level, khat shares space with food and tree crops and contributes cash to the household economy. The fact that its production is a smallholder venture andis expanding through a variety of farming systems indicates its importance to cultivators and their use of land. This paper is not exhaustive, but makes an exploratory attempt to highlight khat-related livelihood issues and seeks to contribute to the ongoing debates on the stimulant and to prompt further research.
