

Tanzania : the limits to development from above

Upphovsperson: Havnevik, Kjell
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet | Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet; Mkuki na Nyota Publ., Tanzania
År: 1993
Ämnesord: Rufiji District, Tanzania, Stiegler's Gorge, Tanzania, East Africa, State intervention, Agricultural production, Dams, Hydroelectric power, Development models, Structural adjustment, Business and economics, Ekonomi
The people of Tanzania have been subjected to a development from above, often implemented by force by the colonial and post-colonial state and advocated by external donor agencies, the IMF and the World Bank. This has resulted in a state-dominated, externally dependent and undemocratic society. This book aims at documenting peasant's response to state intervention, built on a case study of Rufiji district in Tanzania.

Child Migration in Africa

Upphovspersoner: Thorsen, Dorte | Hashim, Iman
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet | London, Uppsala : Zed Books, Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 2011
Ämnesord: Rural-urban migration, Labour migration, Labour mobility, Migrants, youth, children, Childhood, Living conditions, Social environment, cultural identity, Livelihood, Interviews, West Africa, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Ethnography, Etnografi
Child Migration in Africa explores the mobility of children without their parents within West Africa. Drawing on the experiences of children from rural Burkina Faso and Ghana, the book provides rich material on the circumstances of children's voluntary migration and their experiences of it. Their accounts challenge the normative ideals of what a 'good' childhood is, which often underlie public debates about children's migration, education and work in developing countries. The comparative study of Burkina Faso and Ghana highlights that social networks operate in ways that can be both enabling and constraining for young migrants, as can cultural views on age- and gender-appropriate behaviour. The book questions easily made assumptions regarding children's experiences when migrating independently of their parents and, by drawing parallels with children's migration in Latin America and Asia, contributes to analytical and cross-cultural understandings of childhood. Part of the groundbreaking Africa Now series, Child Migration in Africa is an important and timely contribution to an under-researched area.

Feeding the Horse: Unofficial Economic Activities within the Police Force in the DR Congo

Upphovspersoner: Eriksson Baaz, Maria | Olsson, Ola
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Conflict, Displacement and Transformation |
År: 2011
Based on original interview material, this article addresses the organization of unofficial economic activities within the Congolese (Democratic Republic of the Congo) police force. In contrast to dominant assumptions in security sector reform discourses in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in which property violations tend to be portrayed as disorganized, ad-hoc activities, following from irregular and insufficient salaries, the article shows how property violations are highly organized with large portions flowing upward in the chain of command. However, the article also argues for the need to go beyond one-dimensional notions of “unrestrained predation” and simplistic dichotomies between civilians (victims) and police/military (predators). Furthermore, it argues for a more contextual analysis in which the core security sector institutions are situated more firmly in the political and economic context in which they operate

Inequality and Identity : Causes of War?

Upphovsperson: Holmqvist, Göran
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Globalization, Trade and Regional Integration |
År: 2012
Ämnesord: Africa, Civil war, conflicts, Social inequality, cultural identity, Intergroup relations, Social control, Theory, comparative analysis, SOCIAL SCIENCES, SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP
In this paper, four theories on the causes of civil war are reviewed. One theory, associated with Paul Collier, emphasises feasibility over factors related to grievance. A second theory, espoused by Frances Stewart, focuses on the role of horizontal inequalities. The third theory, identified with William Zartman, highlights the different roles “need, creed and greed” factors play in various phases of a conflict. And the fourth theory, associated with the World Bank /World Development Report 2011, points out “commitment” problems leading to institutional failures as a crucial factor. Each of the theories leads to quite different policy conclusions. Their strengths and weaknesses, and their claimed empirical support, are discussed.In addition, some of the mechanisms underpinning the theories are highlighted on the basis of empirical data. In particular, the central role of horizontal inequalities between social groups is discussed.

Nomads who cultivate beauty : wodaabe dances and visual arts in Niger

Upphovsperson: Bovin, Mette
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet | Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 2001
Ämnesord: Niger, West Africa, Anthropology, Nomads, Social anthropology/ethnography, Socialantrolopologi/etnografi
Why do young men use mirrors and make-up more than girls? Why do the Wodaabe nomads of West Africa have beauty parades for men? Wodaabe's extraordinary and unique live performances are often misunderstood by outsiders. The book provides some answers about these aesthetic activities. One answer is courtship and "wife-stealing ceremonies" involving enemy clans, another is ethnic identity. Beauty and existence are linked. Wodaabe dances and visual arts are not "exotic" but are arenas for social action and identity politics in the largely agricultural society of the arid regions of Niger, Nigeria and Chad. The author describes Wodaabe cultural choices as "active archaisation". Different art forms are analysed in the light of identity construction by the Wodaabe. Their elaborate cultivation of beauty in make-up, tattoos, body paintings, calabash carvings, embroideries, and architecture all follow the principle of symmetry and order in the cosmos. The author emphasizes the gendered aspects of social life and identity construction and explores masculinity among nomadic Wodaabe men, who are living sculptures displaying their beauty as a spiritual act, full of honour and dignity. The book has many colour photographs and examples of Wodaabe art.  

Lawyers in the Third World : comparative and developmental perspectives

Medarbetare: Dias, Clarence J. | Luckham, R. | Lynch, D. O. | Paul, J. C. N.
Utgivare: Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 1981
Ämnesord: Africa, Developing countries, Lawyers, SOCIAL SCIENCES, SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP
The underlying reason for this book is a concern about the social impact of legal professions on "development" and "underdevelopment" and on the capacity of the mass of people in the countries studied (who are poor by any standards) to use law to better their social condition. Part of the book is a collection of empirical and historical studies of lawyers in various Third World countries. These studies offer data and insights of value to legal and other scholars of the countries and regions examined; material for historians of colonial societies; contributions to theories of professionalism and the sociology of occupational groups, evidence to support theories which link characteristics of legal professions with characteristics of the political economy within which they exist. An overview essay discusses different paradigms which have influenced thinking about development and the significance of lawyers in it, and different approaches which may affect the study and evaluation of legal professions. The country studies come next. The concluding chapters set out some generalizations about social factors which have influenced the history and character of Third World professions and the social impact of professions, notably on the rural poor. Generally, the case studies suggest that legal professions contribute to the kind of highly skewed distribution of wealth and power now characteristic of many Third World polities. A final chapter explores the implications of these findings for alternative approaches to development.

Re-thinking sexualities in Africa

Medarbetare: Arnfred, Signe
Utgivare: Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 2004
Ämnesord: Women, gender relations, sexuality, Culture, Ghana, Mali, Namibia, Senegal, Tanzania, Social anthropology, Socialantropologi
The volume brings together papers by African and Nordic/Scandinavian gender scholars and anthropologists, in attempts to investigate and critically discuss existing lines of thinking about sexuality in Africa, while at the same time creating space for alternative approaches. Issues of colonial and contemporary discourses on 'African sexuality' and on 'female genital mutilation' are being discussed, as well as issues of female agency and of feminists' engagement with HIV/AIDS. The volume contributes to contemporary efforts of re-thinking sexualities in the light of feminist, queer and postcolonial theory.

Environment, climate and the Sudanese conflicts

Upphovspersoner: Sörbö, Gunnar | Kunda Komey, Guma
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet | Uppsala, Sweden
År: 2012
First seminar in the series 'Sudan: North in the shadow of the South'. Filmed 29 March 2012. 46 min. long. Climate change and environmental factors are often dismissed as causes of conflict. The session will dig deeper into the environmental root causes of conflict in Sudan and provide views on the issue from a civil society perspective.Speakers: Dr. Gunnar Sørbø (Christian Michelsen Institute) and Dr. Guma Kunda Komey (Senior Researcher, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg).
