

Enjeux des nouvelles réglementations minières en Afrique

Upphovspersoner: Campbell, Bonnie K. | Akabzaa, Thomas M. | Butler, Paula
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet | Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 2004
Ämnesord: Afrique, Industrie minière, Developpement minière, Politique minière, Environnement, legislation, SOCIAL SCIENCES, SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP
Une des hypothèses qui sous-tend les discussions et une des recommandations centrales du Rapport de la « Extractive Industries Review » publié en 2003 par le Groupe de la Banque mondiale est celle selon laquelle la gouvernance d'un pays est un des facteurs déterminants de la contribution des industries extractives au développement. Cette étude comparative de la réforme des codes miniers en Afrique démontre que bien que la qualité de la gouvernance nationale soit certes un ingrédient clé, elle n'est pas une condition suffisante si elle n'est pas accompagnée de cadres réglementaires légaux et fiscaux appropriés pour atteindre des objectifs de développement et mis en application dans un contexte de bonnes politiques et de règles équitables au niveau international. À partir de l'analyse de cinq études de cas, (le Ghana, la Guinée, le Mali, Madagascar et la Tanzanie), le volume suggère que les réformes introduites au cours des vingt dernières années, en large mesure sur recommandation des institutions multilatérales de financement, ont impliqué une redéfinition si profonde du rôle de l'État qu'elle est sans précédent historique. L'étude comparative de trois générations de codes miniers africains mène à la conclusion que ces réformes ont pour effet d'abaisser les normes dans des domaines critiques pour le développement économique et social et pour la protection de l'environnement et ce, dans un nombre croissant de situations. La question qui se pose à partir de cette étude est de savoir si un pays qui libéralise et déréglemente afin d'être compétitif dans le contexte des nouvelles normes et incitations à  l'investissement et qui respecte ses obligations auprès de l'OMC, peutêtre en mesure de faire respecter ses normes environnementales et de poursuivre ses objectifs de développement comme par exemple d'établir des liens en amont et en aval de l'extraction des ressources naturelles afin de favoriser la valeur ajoutée grâce à la transformation locale, ou d'introduire des restrictions à l'import ou l'export si nécessaire afin d'encourager un contenu en intrants locaux et des industries productives locales. La réponse paraît moins que certaine.

Strategic Options for the Future of African Peace Operations 2015-2025 : Seminar Report

Upphovspersoner: Gelot, Linnéa | Karlsrud, John | de Coning, Cedric
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Conflict, Displacement and Transformation | Oslo : Norwegian Institute of International Affairs
År: 2015
Ämnesord: African peace operations, strategic relationships, mission support, multidimensional missions, African Union, United Nations, SOCIAL SCIENCES, SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP
An African model of peace operationsIncreasingly complex security environments are placing high demandson African peace operations, and complicating efforts at long-termpeace- and statebuilding. From the experiences of the African Union(AU) and the sub-regions over the last decade, an African model ofpeace operations has emerged that is at odds with the missionscenarios and multi-dimensional assumptions that underpinned theoriginal framework of the African Standby Force (ASF).

Afrikabild för partnerskap? : Afrika i de svenska skolböckerna

Upphovsperson: Palmberg, Mai
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Cultural Images and Expressions | Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 2000
Ämnesord: Africa, South Africa, Southern Africa, Sweden, History, Culture, Textbooks, development education, SOCIAL SCIENCES, SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP
Sverige har initierat ett nytt kapitel i sina relationer med Afrika under benämningen "partnerskap". Mot den bakgrunden har författaren till denna studie granskat hur Afrika framställs i 62 aktuella högstadieböcker i SO-ämnen. Skolböckerna har en stor betydelse som formare av vår världsbild och som återspeglare av tidsandan, men undgår vanligtvis all kritisk granskning. Denna bok ger både ris och ros. Den varnar för generaliseringar och föreslår kompletterande material som kan ge en mer intressant och levande Afrikabild.

Pengar i handen : sociala trygghetssystem som metod för att bekämpa fattigdom och hunger

Medarbetare: Axelsson Nycander, Gunnel
Utgivare: Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet; Svenska Kyrkans Internationella Arbete
År: 2011
Ämnesord: Social välfärd, Fattigdom, Matbrist, Hunger, SOCIAL SCIENCES, SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP
Pengar i handen – barnbidrag, pensioner och andra kontanta stöd – minskar fattigdom och hunger effektivt. Det visar erfarenheter från en rad utvecklingsländer. Även små bidrag gör att människor kan äta mer och bättre, blir friskare och kan låta sina barn gå i skolan. Sveriges historia visar att sociala trygghetssystem krävs för att ge alla en dräglig levnadsnivå och en stabil samhällsutveckling. Ändå har det svenska biståndet inte stöttat utvecklingen av sådana system i fattiga länder. I denna antologi diskuterar 12 författare vilken roll sociala trygghetssystem kan spela i kampen mot hunger och fattigdom, och hur olika aktörer kan bidra.

Urban governance and spatial inequality in service delivery: a case study of solid waste management in Abuja, Nigeria

Upphovsperson: Adama, Onyanta
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Urban Dynamics |
År: 2012
Ämnesord: Urban governance, spatial inequality, State, Privatization, solid waste management, Abuja, Nigeria, SOCIAL SCIENCES, SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP
Spatial inequality in service delivery is a common feature in African cities. Several factors account for the phenomenon but there is growing attention towards urban governance and the role of the state. Urban governance policies such as privatization serve as key strategies through which the state regulates and (re)produces spatial inequality in service delivery. This study examined how governance practices related to privatization and the regulatory role of the state reinforce spatial inequalities in the delivery of solid waste services in Abuja, Nigeria. It focused primarily on the issue of cost recovery. Privatization became a major focus in Abuja in 2003 when the government launched a pilot scheme. Although it has brought improvements in service delivery, privatization has also increased the gap in the quality of services delivered in different parts of the city. Drawing on empirical data, the study revealed that little sensitivity to income and affordability, and to income differentials between neighbourhoods in the fixing of user charges and in the choice of the billing method is contributing to spatial inequalities in service delivery. Furthermore, the study suggests that these practices are linked to a broader issue, a failure of the government to see the people as partners. It therefore calls for more inclusive governance especially in decision-making processes. The study also emphasizes the need for a policy document on solid waste management, as this would encourage a critical assessment of vital issues including how privatization is to be funded, especially inlow-income areas.

Zimbabwe's fast-track land reform

Upphovsperson: Matondi, Prosper B.
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Agrarian Change, Property and Resources | London, England : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet; Zed Books
År: 2012
Ämnesord: Africa, Africa Now, Agriculture, development, International relations, politics, SOCIAL SCIENCES, SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP
The Fast-Track Land Reform Programme in Zimbabwe has emerged as a highly contested reform process both nationally and internationally. The image of it has all too often been that of the widespread displacement and subsequent replacement of various people, agricultural-related production systems, facets and processes. The reality, however, is altogether more complex. Providing new, in-depth and much-needed empirical research, and based on a broader geographical scope than any previous study carried out on the subject, Zimbabwe’s Fast-Track Land Reform examines how processes such as land acquisition, allocation, transitional production outcomes, social life, gender and tenure, have influenced and been influenced by the forces driving the programme. It also explores the ways in which the land-reform programme has created a new agrarian structure based on small- to medium-scale farmers. In attempting to resolve the problematic issues the reforms have raised, the authors argue that it is this new agrarian formation which provides the greatest scope for improving Zimbabwe’s agriculture and development. A landmark work on a subject of considerable controversy.

Urban youth and post-conflict Africa : On policy priorities

Upphovsperson: Utas, Mats
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Conflict, Displacement and Transformation | Uppsala, Sweden
År: 2012
Youth in urban areas of post-war African countries lead lives that are not very different from non-post-war societies. In fact it is often hard to separate battle-hardened ex-combatants from street-hardened urban youth in general. In this context, youth is a social category of people living in volatile and dire life conditions rather than a group defined by age. It is people who are no longer children, but who have yet to become social adults, people who have been marginalized into what they see as a chronic state of youthhood. It is the number of social youth, not the number of an age-categorized “youth bulge”, that poses a danger for stability in many African countries. This way of defining youth demands special efforts and raises special concerns when international donor communities create and implement youth-specific projects in post-conflict areas. Related to that, this policy note reflects on number of issues that will help improve the results of such projects through knowing and using existing social structures, including gender relations, the problems of social elites and the advantages of utilizing already existing systems of labor training.
