

Who needs to reconcile with whom? : the conflict’s complexity in northern Mali calls for tailored solutions

Upphovsperson: Gaasholt, Ole Martin
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Conflict, Displacement and Transformation |
År: 2015
Ämnesord: Mali, Tuaregs, conflicts, political development, Political islam, Regional security, Political science, Statsvetenskap, Peace and conflict research, Freds- och konfliktforskning
While negotiations are taking place in Algiers, some observers insist on the need for reconciliation between Northern Mali and the rest of the country and particularly between Tuareg and other Malians. But the Tuareg are a minority in Northern Mali and most of them did not support the rebels. So who needs to be reconciled with whom? And what economic solutions will counteract conflict? This Policy Note argues that not only exclusion underlies the conflict, but also a lack of economic opportunities.

Re-thinking sexualities in Africa

Medarbetare: Arnfred, Signe
Utgivare: Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 2004
Ämnesord: Women, gender relations, sexuality, Culture, Ghana, Mali, Namibia, Senegal, Tanzania, Social anthropology, Socialantropologi
The volume brings together papers by African and Nordic/Scandinavian gender scholars and anthropologists, in attempts to investigate and critically discuss existing lines of thinking about sexuality in Africa, while at the same time creating space for alternative approaches. Issues of colonial and contemporary discourses on 'African sexuality' and on 'female genital mutilation' are being discussed, as well as issues of female agency and of feminists' engagement with HIV/AIDS. The volume contributes to contemporary efforts of re-thinking sexualities in the light of feminist, queer and postcolonial theory.

Mining in Africa: regulation and development

Medarbetare: Campbell, Bonnie
Utgivare: London : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet & Pluto Press
År: 2009
Ämnesord: Mining, Mineral resources, Economic and social development, Poverty alleviation, Macroeconomics, Regulations, Environmental protection, Ghana, Guinea, Mali, Madagascar, Congo DR, Business and economics, Ekonomi
The continent of Africa is rich in minerals needed by Western economies. Yet the mining industry contributes very little to African development. Investigating the impact of the 2003 Extractive Industries Review on a number of African countries, the contributors find that a key dimension of the problem lies in the regulatory frameworks imposed on African countries by the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. They aim to convince academics, governments, and industry that regulation needs to be reformed to create a mining industry favourable to social and economic development and environmental protection. The book takes a multidisciplinary approach and provides an historical perspective of each country, making it ideal for students of development studies. CONTENT Acknowledgements Introduction - Bonnie Campbell Chapter 1. Mining in Ghana: Implications for National Economic Development and Poverty Reduction – Thomas Akabzaa Chapter 2. Guinea and Bauxite-Aluminum: The Challenges of Development and Poverty Reduction – Bonnie Campbell Chapter 3. Mining, Poverty Reduction, the Protection of the Environment and the Role of the World Bank Group in Mali – Gisèle Belem Chapter 4. Mining and Protection of the Environment in Madagascar – Bruno Sarrasin Chapter 5. Governance, Human Rights and Mining in the Democratic Republic of the Congo – Marie Mazalto Chapter 6. Conclusion: What Development Model? What Government Agenda? – Bonnie Campbell Index

Tuaregerna, uranet – och bananteorin om terrorism

Upphovsperson: Persson, Henrik
Tidskrift/källa: Fjärde Världen
År: 2011
Ämnesord: Terrorism, Algeriet, Burkina Faso, Libyen, Niger, Mali, Naturresurser, Minoritetskulturer, Ursprungsfolk
Den brittiska antropologen Jeremy Keenan
har i artiklar och böcker om Sahara
och tuaregfolket på senare år berättat om
Sahelregionen och dess befolkning.
Särskilt efter händelserna den 11 september
2001 har dessa trakter uppmärksammats av
dem som jagar al-Qaida och dess allierade.
Men vad döljer sig bakom ytbilden?