

How do you spell development? : a study of a literacy campaign in Ethiopia

Upphovspersoner: Sjöström, Margareta | Sjöström, Rolf
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet | Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 1983
Ämnesord: Ethiopia, East Africa, Literacy, Literacy methods, Education, Adult education, Basic education, Education of women, Rural education, Teaching, Teaching methods, Reading, Development, Evaluation, Motivation, SOCIAL SCIENCES, SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP
The problem of illiteracy has been the object of many studies during recent decades. In Ethiopia, a country which reports one of the lowest literacy rates in Africa, the Yemissrach Dimts Literacy Campaign (YDLC) was started in 1962. Its activities were concentrated to rural areas and directed primarly towards adults. This study is an evaluation of the Campaign. The investigation was conducted between 1974-1976 with the purpose of describing and analysing Campaign activities, focusing on student achievement, the teaching process, and benefits experienced by participants of the Campaign. Another important objective was to consider the role of the Campaign within a wider socio-economic and political context.

Dragkampen på Afrikas Horn

Medarbetare: Wiberg, Håkan
Utgivare: Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 1979
Ämnesord: Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia, Djibouti, East Africa, Northeast Africa, History, , Political science, Statsvetenskap
Denna bok handlar om Afrikas Horn, en brytningspunkt mellan det svarta och det arabiska Afrika, där olika stormaktsintressen skärs mot varandra. Kejsarväldet i Etiopien störtades 1974 och har avlösts av en serie militärregeringar. Somalia och Etiopien har varit i krig 1963 och 1977-78 om den somaliska befolkningen i Etiopien, och bägge är intresserade av det nyligen självständiga Djibouti. Eritrea har sedan 1961 i oavbruten väpnad kamp försökt bryta sig loss från Etiopien. Ett år ingår Sovjetunionen vänskapsavtal med Somalia, ett annat år med dess bittra fiende Etiopien. Ett år stöder det de eritreanska befrielserörelserna, ett annat år bistår det den etiopiska armén i dess försök att slå ned dem. Boken analyserar bakgrunden till dessa dramatiska händelseförlopp från olika perspektiv: stormakternas, arabvärldens, de afrikanska staternas och de inblandade parternas.

Flight and integration : causes of mass exodus from Ethiopia and problems of integration in the Sudan

Upphovsperson: Bulcha, Mekuria
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet | Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 1988
Ämnesord: Ethiopia, Sudan, East Africa, Refugees, Migration, Forced migration, Economic integration, Social integration, Cultural integration, Theses, sociology, Sociology, Sociologi
Today, about half of the refugees in the world are Africans. More than half of Africa's refugees originate from Ethiopia and live in the Sudan and Somalia. as a source of refugees, Ethiopia is surpassed only by Afghanistan. This book is about this mass exodus from Ethiopia. The author maintains that in the absence of a clear understanding of its root causes it is impossible to find lasting solutions to this problem of mass displacement. Therefore, he employs an historical approach and commences the study with an investigation of the links between the past history of the peoples of the Horn of Africa and the conflict which currently plague the region.

Integrated rural development : the Ethiopian experience and the debate

Upphovsperson: Cohen, John M.
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet | Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 1987
Ämnesord: Arsi Region, Ethiopia, Chilalo, Ethiopia, East Africa, Sweden, Rural development, Development projects, Development aid, Integrated development, Chilalo Agricultural Development Unit, Arssi Rural Development Unit, SOCIAL SCIENCES, SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP
This is a comprehensive study based on one of the most significant and well-known integrated rural development projects, the Swedish funded Chilalo Agricultural Development Unit in Ethiopia's Arssi Region. It clarifies the concept of integrated rural development and identifies the key issues in the debate. It provides a detailed case study of design, implementation, and evaluation problems facing integrated rural development projects.

Poverty, income distribution and labour markets in Ethiopia

Medarbetare: Bigsten, Arne | Kebede, Bereket | Shimeles, Abebe
Utgivare: Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 2005
Ämnesord: Ethiopia, poverty, Economic conditions, income distribution, household income, labour market, Business and economics, Ekonomi
Ethiopia is one of the poorest countries in the world with a per capita income of just over US$100. Understanding the causes of the country's widespread poverty is of the utmost importance. Until recently, however, very little household data was available. This study deals with the many aspects of poverty and income distribution in Ethiopia. It analyses the determinants of poverty and how its conditions have changed in both rural and urban areas over time. Rural and urban poverty profiles and the dynamics of poverty are examined, measurements taken of consumption poverty are compared with individual perceptions of poverty, and an analysis is made of the distribution of intra-household expenditure and the dynamics of income distribution. In addition, the functioning of the urban labour market returns to education, and the effects of education on household welfare are investigated. Finally, there is extensive discussion of the wide range of policies that need to be coordinated for poverty reduction in Ethiopia.
