

Foreign aid, debt and growth in Zambia

Upphovspersoner: Andersson, Per-Åke | Bigsten, Arne | Persson, Håkan
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet | Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 2000
Ämnesord: Zambia, Southern Africa, Development aid, external debt, economic development, investment, economic conditions, Business and economics, Ekonomi
This study first discusses the structural problems of Zambia and the policies of adjustment that have been tried. It then uses a computable general equilibrium model to analyse the impact of various strategies with regard to external resource transfers. It compares the impacts of foreign loans or grants to the private and the public sectors, as well as the impact of a turnaround of the country's fortunes with regard to its external terms of trade. The results of the policy analysis show that the scope for growth is highly dependent on the tightness of the external resource constraint.

China in Africa

Upphovspersoner: Lee, Margaret C. | Melber, Henning
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet | Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 2007
Ämnesord: international economic relations, Foreign trade, Economic policy, Access to markets, International cooperation, Partnership, Globalization, case studies, Business and economics, Ekonomi
The contributions to this compilation add in various ways to the ongoing discussion on China’s role in Africa. They offer a blend of general overviews on the new scramble for Africa’s resources, the Chinese expansion into Africa and case studies on Uganda and South Africa. They present reflections on and insights to a current theme, which is widely and controversially debated also within Africa.

Trade, development, cooperation : what future for Africa?

Upphovsperson: Melber, Henning
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet | Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 2005
Ämnesord: Development aid, International cooperation, Foreign trade, Trade liberalization, Trade agreements, Globalization, Eonomic and social development, European Union, Africa, Business and economics, Ekonomi
Bi- and multilateral trade relations between external actors and individual African states or regional blocs are becoming ever more decisive. The trade policies of both the USA and the EU are anything but helpful. This is true of the USAs African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), the EU Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with South Africa and more recently the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) negotiated in the Post-Cotonou era of European relations with the South. All these initiatives have a potentially detrimental impact on regional integration. The latter remains however a priority in the developmental policy and strategy documents as formulated both by African agencies as well as the partners in development cooperation in the OECD countries. Hence the question of coherence between trade as aid and other areas of development strategy and cooperation remains to be answered. The three analyses presented in this publication are centred on related issues in the ongoing process of globalisation under the WTO regime, and their likely effect on African countries. Each chapter critically examines recent trends in the discourse on trade reform and development. The contributions to this volume offer discussion and food for thought for scholars, policy makers and NGO activists alike on closely related topical issues in European-African trade relations and development cooperation.

Tanzania : is the ugly duckling finally growing up?

Upphovspersoner: Bigsten, Arne | Danielson, Anders
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet | Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 2001
Ämnesord: Economic performance, Economic policy, Emerging markets, Public sector, Private sector, Structural adjustment, Tanzania, Business and economics, Ekonomi
The title of this report is inspired by the great Danish author Hans Christian Andersen who in the child's tale "Den Grimme Ælling" ("The Ugly Duckling") tells the story of a particularly ugly duckling. She is so ugly, in fact, that she is despised and disliked by all other ducks and ducklings. After a long and painful period of time, however, she grows up - but not to become an ugly duck. Instead she becomes a beautiful white swan, admired by all. So Andersen's tale has a happy ending-at least as far as the ugly duckling goes. The major question tackled in this report is whether a similar fate is awaiting Tanzania. Having been something of an enfant terrible since the deep crisis in the early 1980s, economic progress since 1995 provides some hope that the duckling period is Tanzania is finally over. The study initially emerged as part of the "Emerging Africa" research program launched by the OECD's Development Centre in 1997. Comments from participants in that research program are gratefully acknowledged, particularly Jean-Claude Berthélemy (project leader), Aristomene Varoudakis and Ludvig Söderlind. Jean Bonvin, President of the Development Centre (until spring, 1999) guided the project from the start. The project was financed by generous grants from the governments of Switzerland and Belgium.  

Is Uganda an emerging economy? : a report for the OECD project "Emerging Africa"

Upphovspersoner: Bigsten, Arne | Kayizzi-Mugerwa, Steve
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet | Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 2001
Ämnesord: Economic performance, Economic policy, Emerging markets, Public sector, Private sector, Structural adjustment, Uganda, Business and economics, Ekonomi
In spite of serious external shocks and political destabilisation in part of the country, Uganda has remained a good economic performer since the late 1980s, with over a decade of high per capita growth in excess of three per cent. This study concludes that Uganda's medium to long-term success will depend on the achievements in institutional reforms, including raising the quality of the civil service, curbing corruption and implementing an effective regulatory framework. This is important as a poorly functioning public sector is both unable to uphold the rule of law, thus losing the public goodwill necessary for implementing new measures, and a burden on the private sector as it implies increased transaction costs. There is a widespread domestic and international concern that the civil strife in the Great Lakes Region might lead Uganda and its neighbours from the path of economic reform back to socio-economic instability.

London stärker förbindelserna med Havanna

Upphovsperson: TTC Redaction in Business
Utgivare: Svensk-Kubanska Föreningen
Tidskrift/källa: Tidskriften Kuba
År: 2014
Ämnesord: Imperialism, Ekonomi, Handel, Europa, Storbritannien, Kuba
Efter Holland, Frankrike, Tyskland, Spanien m fl var det dags för Storbritanniens utrikesminister Hugo Swire att fara till Kuba för att bättra på förbindelserna. Målet var att bädda för brittiska företags investeringar på Kuba. Storbritannien ville återuppta sin handel och bilaterala kontakter med Latinamerika.

På besök för att normalisera förbindelserna med Kuba. Spanska utrikesministern

Upphovsperson: Rödner, Achim
Utgivare: Svensk-Kubanska Föreningen
Tidskrift/källa: Tidskriften Kuba
År: 2014
Ämnesord: Imperialism, Ekonomi, Handel, Europa, Spanien, Kuba
Utrikesminister José Manuel García-Margallo har träffat Kubas utrikesminister Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla och vicepresidenten Miguel Díaz-Canel under ett besök på Kuba för att förbättra de bilaterala förbindelserna.
Under besöket invigdes ett andra spanskt konsulat i Santiago de Cuba samt ett nytt i Havanna. Besöket har stärkt förbindelserna mellan Spanien och Kuba och ledarna i båda länderna var överens om vikten att fortsätta att normalisera relationerna mellan EU och Kuba.

Svenska liberaler oroadeEU på väg till Kuba

Upphovsperson: Björklund, Eva
Utgivare: Svensk-Kubanska Föreningen
Tidskrift/källa: Tidskriften Kuba
År: 2014
Ämnesord: Imperialism, Spionage och undergrävande verksamheter, Ekonomi, Europa, Sverige, Kuba
För nästan 20 år sedan frös EU förbindelserna med Kuba mot att USA skulle undanta EU-företags Kubaaffärer från sin nya extraterritoriella Helms-Burtonlag*. EU skyddade sina bolags intressen genom att medverka till USAs program för regimskifte. Men sedan flera år har de flesta EU-länder normaliserat sina förbindelser med Kuba. Dock inte Sverige, Polen och Tjeckoslovakien. Men i början av 2014 beslöt EU att inleda förhandlingar med Kuba för normalisering (se Kuba 1.14?). Det har satt fart på liberaler i Sverige som vill öka stödet till de USA-finansierade ”demokratiaktivisterna”.

Nyvernissage Color Cubano

Upphovsperson: Björklund, Eva
Utgivare: Svensk-Kubanska Föreningen
Tidskrift/källa: Tidskriften Kuba
År: 2014
Ämnesord: Ekonomi, Bildkonst och film, Kulturell identitet och gemenskap, Sverige, Kuba
På Drakens Dag invigde Svensk-Kubanska en stor utställning av Ewa Stackelbergs Kubafoton i Solidaritetshuset i Stockholm, 20 år efter att de visades på Etnografiska museet. Fotona visar kubanernas överlevnadsförmåga och viljan att aldrig ge upp, mot alla odds under den ekonomiska krisens värsta år.

Kvinnorna i nya ekonomin

Upphovsperson: Correa, Yenia Silva
Utgivare: Svensk-Kubanska Föreningen
Tidskrift/källa: Tidskriften Kuba
År: 2014
Ämnesord: Föreningsliv, Ekonomi, Genus och jämställdhet, Kuba
När Kubas kvinnoförbund FMC avslutade sin 9e kongress 8 mars kunde de konstatera att de tillhör de som nått längst i världen i jämställdhet med egenmakt och delaktighet i den politiska makten. Nu gäller det att hävda deras möjligheter när marknadsinslag, kooperativ och egenföretagare ökar. Kvinnorna har fördelar i sin högre utbildning och sin starka ställning som ledare inom kommunal och statlig förvaltning och företag. Men det finns risk i egenföretagande att befästa föreställningar att kvinnor hör hemma inom tjänstesektorn, särskilt hushållstjänster.
