

Afrika på fel spår : utvecklingens och biståndets kris i ett allt fattigare Afrika

Upphovsperson: Vilby, Knud
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet | Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 1984
Ämnesord: Tanzania, Kenya, East Africa, Zambia, Southern Africa, Economic recession, Development aid, Development projects, Aid evaluation, Political science, Statsvetenskap
Afrika befinner sig i kris. Livsmedelsproduktionen sjunker, ekonomin vacklar. Den internationella ekonomiska krisen återverkar kraftigt på de fattigaste u-länderna och en inhemsk politik som har slagit fel ökar problemen. Eliten söker skydda sina egna intressen. Utvecklingen når inte ner till de fattigaste och kommer därför inte igång på riktigt. Boken handlar om Afrika men många av dess iakttagelser gäller också flera av världens fattigaste u-länder. Den drar dessutom paralleller mellan effekten av utvecklingsbistånd i vissa länder och oljeintäckter i några av de oljeexporterande u-länderna.

Umleavyo : the dilemma of parenting

Medarbetare: Ntukula, Mary | Liljeström, Rita
Utgivare: Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 2004
Ämnesord: Tanzania, parents, gender, generations, children, adolescents, sexuality, initiation, education, marriage, rites and ceremonies, customary law, modernization, child rearing, Sociology, Sociologi
Societies and families are changing all over the world. Less of what the older generations transmit of their experiences can be replicated by the younger generations in their own lives. What we are witnessing is a type of cultural delinking from past generations. Parents despair when their good intentions fail to have an effect and feel overwhelmed by circumstances they cannot control.The Reproductive Health Study Group linked to the University of Dar es Salaam published the first set of studies, Chelewa, Chelewa: The Dilemma of Teenage Girls, in 1994. The focus was on the teenage girl and the various reactions of the adult world to teenage out-of-wedlock pregnancies. The next set of studies, Haraka, Haraka: Look Before you Leap, appeared in 1998 and looked at the erosion of the customs that had regulated marriage, parenthood, and intergenerational obligations.This third and final report, Umleavyo: The Dilemma of Parenting, comprises studies on the generation gap and the ways in which this gap has widened over the past century. In these studies, the past serves as the seemingly stable background on which to project currently fluid and ambiguous parent-child relationships. The main focus of the studies is the different methods of, and goals for, bringing up the next generation. These include physical punishment; achieving compliance through fear and reference to supernatural forces; initiation ceremonies that provide multiple precautions and timely instruction on marriage and procreation; emphasis on relations between people as the most crucial experiences; and encouraging a sense of personal responsibility.The volume is based on the narratives of the grandparents, parents, and youths in the villages of the Pare people in the north and of the initiation leaders in Songea in the south, and on a comparison of the opinions of Nyakyusa elders and youths on gender issues. The central questions raised in the book are: How should one-support youths for whom there is no clear passage to full adulthood? And, how can one forge links between the plight of families and issues of citizenship and public action?

Contentious politics, local governance and the self : a Tanzanian case study

Upphovsperson: Kelsall, Tim
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet | Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 2004
Ämnesord: Civil Society, democracy, politics, Social government, Arumeru district, Tanzania, Political science, Statsvetenskap
The Governance Agenda is the framework that currently organises the West’s relations with Africa. The present work is an attempt to see Governance through the lens of a contemporary, local history. The report analyses three periods of contentious politics at local level in Tanzania and two multi-party elections. It provides a window on mismanagement in local government, it examines the intervention by national and local elites in district conflicts, and it points to the difficulties ordinary people face in holding their leaders to account. The argument of the report is that current approaches to the study of Governance overlook an essential ingredient for its potential success: namely, the sociological conditions in which forms of collective action conducive to improved political accountability become possible at a grassroots level. The analysis aims to show that economic diversification and multiple livelihoods have given rise to a reticular social structure in which individuals find it difficult to combine to hold their leaders to account. People have fragmented identities formed in networks of social relations, which impedes the emergence of strong collective identities appropriate to effective social movements.

Language, democracy and education in Africa

Upphovsperson: Brock-Utne, Birgit
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet | Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 2002
Ämnesord: South Africa, Tanzania, democracy, education, Language Policy, languages of instruction, Globalization, SOCIAL SCIENCES, SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP
This publication comprises two papers, both written during January and February 2002 when the author was a guest researcher at the Nordic Africa Institute (NAI). In the first paper, "The Language Question in Africa seen in the Context of Globalisation, Social Justice and Democracy", the language question is looked at through the eyes of a social and political scientist. The choice of an official language in Africa is viewed as a question of social class, of power. What social classes profit from the continued use of European languages in Africa? Who benefits? Who loses? The focus here is not only on language use in education but also on language use in the courts and in the political domain, especially in South Africa. Examples are mostly drawn from South Africa and Tanzania, where the author is conducting two research projects in the area of language and education. The second paper, "The Battle over the Language of Instruction in Tanzania", describes two further research projects in which the author is currently involved. In this paper, the author focuses on the question of the language of instruction through the eyes of an educationist. The paper builds on recent research conducted in Tanzania by the author and her Tanzanian Master's degree students.

Tanzania : is the ugly duckling finally growing up?

Upphovspersoner: Bigsten, Arne | Danielson, Anders
Utgivare: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet | Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
År: 2001
Ämnesord: Economic performance, Economic policy, Emerging markets, Public sector, Private sector, Structural adjustment, Tanzania, Business and economics, Ekonomi
The title of this report is inspired by the great Danish author Hans Christian Andersen who in the child's tale "Den Grimme Ælling" ("The Ugly Duckling") tells the story of a particularly ugly duckling. She is so ugly, in fact, that she is despised and disliked by all other ducks and ducklings. After a long and painful period of time, however, she grows up - but not to become an ugly duck. Instead she becomes a beautiful white swan, admired by all. So Andersen's tale has a happy ending-at least as far as the ugly duckling goes. The major question tackled in this report is whether a similar fate is awaiting Tanzania. Having been something of an enfant terrible since the deep crisis in the early 1980s, economic progress since 1995 provides some hope that the duckling period is Tanzania is finally over. The study initially emerged as part of the "Emerging Africa" research program launched by the OECD's Development Centre in 1997. Comments from participants in that research program are gratefully acknowledged, particularly Jean-Claude Berthélemy (project leader), Aristomene Varoudakis and Ludvig Söderlind. Jean Bonvin, President of the Development Centre (until spring, 1999) guided the project from the start. The project was financed by generous grants from the governments of Switzerland and Belgium.  

Överfulla skolor går i skift: skolreform med för lite resurser ger försämrad undervisning

Upphovspersoner: Debove, Nadja | Häggström (foto), Henrik
Utgivare: Afrikagrupperna
Tidskrift/källa: Södra Afrika
År: 2005
Ämnesord: Tanzania, Reformer, Utbildning och skola
Gratis skola för alla har länge varit ett krav i den internationella debatten om utbildning för alla. Ett helt rimligt krav, kan tyckas.
Men när Tanzania gjorde just det,
slopade avgifterna i primärskolan,
ökade inskrivningen av nya elever kraftigt inom loppet av bara några
år. Det ledde till en skriande brist på lärare och klassrum och många barn får inte den kunskap de behöver.

Ett sjukhus till massajstäppen

Upphovsperson: Fjärde Världens redaktion
Tidskrift/källa: Fjärde Världen
År: 2008
Ämnesord: Tanzania, Sjukvård, Ursprungsfolk, Insamlingar, Internationellt bistånd
Massajen Ole Lobului berättar: ”I Lokii finns ingen sjukvård för att hjälpa människor. Inget sjukhus, ingen läkarvård. Många människor dör i onödan. Min mamma och min bror dog i onödan.
Min mor dog när jag var liten och min bror dog 2002. Det finns ingen läkarvård, och om så hade funnits, hade min bror inte haft råd att köpa medicin.”
